10 Reasons Why You Need To Replace Structural Steel With A Lightweight Alternative (Where Possible)
10 Reasons Why You Need To Replace Structural Steel With A Lightweight Alternative (Where Possible)
We’ve always done it this way.
These 6 words have been described as the most expensive words in business.
Why? Because if you’re always doing it the same old way, there’s a good chance you’re also doing it the most expensive way.
Is the way you’ve always built impacting your profits? Are you building with structural steel just because ‘we’ve always done it this way?’
Here are 10 Reasons Why You Should Replace Structural Steel With A Lightweight Alternative – doing it the same old way could be costing your business a lot more than you realise.
- Lighter – easy to man handle on site
- Faster – eliminates top hats and time spent packing out on site is reduced considerably
- Built Off Site – manufacture is undertaken within a controlled factory environment
- Delivered direct to site for a simple and practical installation process – can also be pre-clad and craned into position
- Framing is custom built to any design – improving diversity on construction opportunities
- High strength – engineered and certified to the relevant Australian standards
- Quality control – true and accurate to specifications
- Straight and accurate – eliminates bowing and warping
- Less risk – reduced exposure at on site level
- Controlled installation by contractor or builder
Add up the advantages. Replacing structural steel equals greater productivity. Greater productivity equals increased profitability.
Next time you’re tempted to say ‘we’ve always done it this way’, think of your bottom line – can it be improved by simply removing unnecessary structural steel from your project?
With over 15 years experience in the light gauge steel framing industry, Cortek by SBS Group is continually innovating to the benefit of our clients, creating pre-fabricated solutions that deliver faster, easier and efficient experiences.
Let’s talk about how we can delete the costly, heavy and outdated structural steel from your projects. Contact us here.