12 Jul 2017

A Life-Saving Operation Inspires SBS Group to Support the Royal Children’s Hospital

A Life-Saving Operation Inspires SBS Group to Support the Royal Children’s Hospital

This month, one of our design technicians nominated the Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation for our charitable donation.

When his youngest sister was just 6 weeks old, the Royal Children’s Hospital performed life-saving heart surgery at no cost at all to the family. Since then, supporting the RCH whenever they can allows the family to express their thankfulness and appreciation. That same world-class care they experienced many years ago is provided every day to young patients by the amazing teams of highly skilled professionals.

For over 140 years, Victorians have held a special place in their hearts for The Royal Children’s Hospital. With a mission to ‘improve the health and wellbeing of children and adolescents through leadership in healthcare, research and education’, the RCH is able to fulfil their vision of being ‘a GREAT children’s hospital, leading the way.’

It’s an honour to support the RCH in their ongoing care, research and education as part of our SBS Support. Donate. Volunteer program.

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