Project Overview
The $152 million expansion of the Latrobe Regional Hospital involved the construction of two new wings, the Acute building and upgrades to existing areas.
A full external prefab wall system was designed and engineered to eliminate all the perimeter structural steel – a more cost-efficient alternative to a traditional structural steel design.
The light gauge steel system was designed to support the brick façade and windows and satisfy all load requirements (wind, seismic etc), achieving the same outcome without the need for heavy and costly structural steel. The curved sections and archways were also easily integrated within the Cortek framing design.
A custom bracketry system was also developed to ensure the parapet on the roof level could withstand the weight of the brick and 15kN abseil load.
Frames were delivered to site as modularised panels for easy install with minimal on site labour. The building was able to be closed up quicker, allowing follow on trades to get on site earlier.
Once installed, the Cortek external wall frames provided a substructure to fix fall protection, mitigating risk around the live edge of the building.
In the words of the client:
Built worked closely with Cortek to design and construct the lightweight facade frame solution by developing an efficient pre-fabricated modular frame that considers the performance and finishes requirements along with delivery and installation logistical requirements.
One of the facade challenges included suspended and cantilevered sections of walls and parapets that are required to support veneer brickwork utilising specifically designed and engineered brackets giving connection strength and stiffness whilst providing an efficient and modular installation system.
Owen M. – Senior Project Manager (Built Pty Ltd)
For more information, watch the Project Case Study Video: